Canaan Baptist Church

Paterson, New Jersey

— “Canaan is a place where no stranger has the right to feel strange”


Pastor's Welcome Message

Rev. Barry L. Graham

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is with great joy that I welcome you to Canaan Baptist Church of Paterson, NJ.

I am so glad that you have chosen to visit our website to learn more about us.

Worship Services

You are invited to WORSHIP with us and let us ENCOUNTER God’s presence TOGETHER!

“Canaan is a place where no stranger has the right to feel strange” – Rev. Dr. Gadson L. Graham

Sunday services have resumed in person. Bible Study continues to be held via phone conference until further notice.

Come out and worship with us on Sundays at 10:00 am

Praise and Worship 9:45

Praying for our Nation, Country and Communities

2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

We are truly grateful for your donation. Please click on the giving picture below to make your secure donation.

Canaan Baptist Church - Paterson, New Jersey

Mission Statement

Our mission is to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to encourage the cultivation of a personal relationship with Him. We are, therefore, committed to Evangelizing the Sinner, Exalting the Savior, and Equipping the Saints.

Canaan Baptist Church - Paterson, New Jersey

Vision Statement

Our vision is to have Bible-Centric Ministry that we will Reach, Rebuild and Reproduce Disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Canaan Baptist Church - Paterson, New Jersey

Philosophy of Ministry

In order to accomplish our mission we will faithfully pursue seven basic philosophies in our ministries:

  1. EXALT the Savior through dynamic worship.
  2. EVANGELIZE the Unbeliever through outreach.
  3. ESTABLISH the New Believer in the basic doctrines of the faith.
  4. ENCOURAGE every Believer to cultivate an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  5. EQUIP every Believer to do ministry through gift identification.
  6. EDIFY one another through the exercising of spiritual gifts.
  7. EMBRACE one another so that everyone feels loved, cared for, and accepted and enjoys being a part of our fellowship.

Worship Schedule

Call To Worship
Praise and Worship 9:45
Service at 10:00
Sunday School
9:00 am
Youth Church
10:00 am
New Members Class
9:00 am



Wednesday Night Prayer Service
6:45pm – 7:30pm
Thursday Noon Prayer
Friday Youth/Teen Night

Wednesday Night
7:30pm – 8:30pm

Canaan Baptist Church

535 East 22nd Street -- Paterson, New Jersey 07514

The Cannon Baptist Church - 535 East 22nd Street -- Paterson, New Jersey 07514

Fax: 973-684-2561


Prayer Line/Bible Study/ Sunday Worship

Access Code: 734799


“Only he who believes is obedient and only he who is obedient believes.”

— Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Welcome to Canaan Baptist Church!